
GoogleAdsenseのレポートをチェックしていて、アメリカのサマータイム(アメリカではDaylight Saving Time:DST)が今日終わった事を知りました。昨日までは日本時間16時が日替わりでしたが、今日からは17時に変わりました。古い歌を思い出しました。

【The Who- Summertime Blues】

Well, I'm a'gonna raise a fuss,
An' I'm a'gonna raise a holler
I've been working all summer
Just to try and earn a dollar
Well I went to the boss
Said I had a date
The boss said "No dice, son, you gotta work late"
Sometimes I wonder what I'm a'gonna do
There ain't no cure for the summertime blues

Well my mom and poppa told me
"Son you gotta earn some money,
If you want to use the car
To go out next Sunday."

Well I didn't go to work
I told the boss I was sick
He said "You can't use the car
'cause you didn't work a lick."
Sometimes I wonder what I'm a'gonna do
Cause there ain't no cure for the summertime blues.

Gonna take two weeks
Gonna have a fine vacation
Gonna take my problems
To the United Nations
Well I went to my congressman
He said, quote: "I'd like to help you son,
But you're too young to vote."
Sometimes I wonder what I'm a'gonna do
Cause there ain't no cure for the summertime blues


このページは、ひろしが2010年11月 8日 23:37に書いた記事です。


次の記事は「「iPhone 4」がドコモでが使える!」です。


月別 アーカイブ


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